Rolladium Skating Club
2020 Squares
Officer Nomination
2021-2022 Officer Nomination Form
Nominations are due by Mon, Sept 6.
Election will be Wed, Sept 8, during Club meeting.
- 6:00-6:30PM
- Rolladium Party Room TBD
e do NOT
minate the following for noted officer position(s):
Amber Swain - declining any nomination
Barb Spencer - declining any nomination
Elena Glik - declining any nomination
Haifaa Chamm - declining any nomination
Nicole Ventura - ACCEPTING nominations for VP only
Norm Moats - declining any nomination
Sally Walsh - declining any nomination
If you are NOT interested in being nominated, please let Teri know
(in person, text: 248-894-3732, or email:
[email protected]
and you will be added to the list above.
Act as the Liaison between the Coaches and Rolladium Skating Club
Preside at all meetings of the Club
Attend all special Club and Board meetings
Appoint committee Chairpersons and be an ex-officio member of all Committees
Indicates required field
For President, I nominate:
Vice President:
Assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties and in his/her absence, shall assume his/her duties
Be the Chairperson of the Club Activities Committee, which shall arrange and oversee all Social and Educational activities, Regional floor time, hotel reservation, meet entries and location and or maps for the Club
For Vice President, I nominate:
Keep minutes of the Club meetings and shall submit a copy of the same to the President (with copies to the Board) no later than by the next regularly scheduled Board meeting or as determined by the President
Chair the Correspondence and Records Committee
Inform the Club of all Board decisions via email or post on Club information board
Supervise all reports and documents connected with the business of the Club
Supervise Club correspondence
Prepare and issue notices of all meetings of the Club and Board
Maintain and distribute to Club members copies of the Bylaws, Rules and Documents of the Club
Maintain a current Voting List as approved by the Membership Chairperson
For Secretary, I nominate:
Have charge of the funds of the Club and shall keep a record of all receipts and disbursements. o Deposit Club funds in the name of the Club in a bank or other registered financial institution approved by the Board
Chair the Club Finance Committee, which shall develop annual budgets and reimbursement apportionments
All disbursements are made by check and must be signed by (1) one Officer designated by the Board
Make disbursement over Two Hundred and 00/100 ($200.00) Dollars only upon approval of the Board
For Treasurer, I nominate:
The responsibilities for
(retired 2019-20 season) will be absorbed into the above
Be present at the meetings to check all members for current status, take attendance, and keep out any unauthorized persons
Keep general order, Count votes either by a show of hands or written ballot, and inform the chairman of the results, making certain only eligible members cast votes